3 komentarze:

Paulo Gomes - Artista Plático pisze...

Adorei as fotos, sou brasileiro e desculpe em escrever em portugues. Mas achei-o parecido comigo.

Paulo Gomes

Baqueteada pisze...

Excelentes imágenes, besos desde Argentina.

Inspector Clouseau pisze...

Nice work. I came across your blog while blog surfing using the “next blog” button on the Nav Bar of blogger.com. I am continually fascinated by the types of blogs that exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people all over the globe express themselves. Thanks for sharing.

You're right about having to experience them yourself. Traveled throughout Europe during the 1980s and then South America into the 1990s. Never took any pictures. These are great shots.

My blog is dedicated simply to making people think differently about societal issues. As I often tell people, instead of encouraging people to believe that there are 2 or 3 ways to look at something, I want them to realize that there are at least 27. Hopefully such an approach will result in more creative, innovative solutions to societal ills. Have a visit should you like, and subscribe for updates should you like the substance: